Global specialists in TEMPEST & Secure Communications
Three Brands.
One Goal.
Secure Systems & Information Assurance (SSIA) is a Spectrum Control business unit made up of three global brands - Emcon Canada, Emcon US and Secure Systems and Technologies Ltd (SST) in the UK.
We have one goal in mind - To be the leading global supplier of highly reliable, engineered TEMPEST, secure and integrated solutions. We help our customers to operate their equipment effectively in all sensitive environments.
Data - your most precious commodity
It's the bloodline of your organisation and the target for many threat actors across the world. You're processing and consuming more data than ever before, and with that comes major cyber security concerns.
But remember, the threat of a cyber-attack doesn’t just stop or start at the firewall...

TEMPEST - don't ignore the cyber security blind spot!
The silent threat of covert eavesdropping is still very real.
Every electronic device emits signals. Those signals can be intercepted and exploited as they are undetectable and untraceable - “the perfect cyber crime”...
Commonplace IT electronic noise can be information bearing and encryption is redundant if source data can be stolen and analysed.
Data integrity is vital, and any compromise or breach can lead to financial, political and, or life-threatening consequences.

Eliminate the threat
All IT equipment needs specialist shielding to ensure that the threat of covert eavesdropping is eliminated.
That's where Emcon and SST can help.
Based largely on leading OEM IT and electrical equipment, our teams re-design, build, test, and certify these products to global TEMPEST standards. This helps protect your electronic devices and equipment and prevent threat actors accessing your sensitive and confidential data.
We've listened
The pace of IT technology is moving faster than ever before.
We keep on top of these changes through active dialogue, product showcases and lunch & learns, so we can understand your future needs.
Customers care about size, weight and power and expect reliability and ease of use.
We pride ourselves on developing solutions that closely resemble the look and feel of the OEM equipment.
We also keep a close relationship with our key OEM partners to ensure we keep up with the ever-increasing speeds of product roadmap cycles.
The Five Eyes (FVEY)
With our global capabilities we are able to offer TEMPEST and Secure Communication solutions across the five eyes - an intelligence alliance comprising of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

Our vision is to be the leading global supplier of highly reliable, engineered TEMPEST, secure and integrated solutions

SST and Emcon have sold TEMPEST and security hardened solutions into EU countries and directly to NATO for over 30 years.
We are trusted providers of highly reliable, well-engineered, feature-rich products that support a broad range of fixed and tactically agile deployment in a range of environments.
The products are certified against NCSC's CFTCS accredited TEMPEST product scheme in the UK, and CSE's scheme CID/09 in Canada.
The SST | Emcon difference
We offer a broad balanced range of TEMPEST solutions as well as security hardened products, secure high attenuation cabinets and enclosures as well as offering quick turn custom solutions.
The standard product offering gives customers faster time to market, better affordability and fit, form, function and performance.
With over 30 years experience designing and manufacturing TEMPEST certified IT equipment, we take an obsessive approach to quality and manufacturing. Because we control every aspect of our supply chain, from initial design all the way through to final assembly, we ensure the highest standard in reliability and performance.
We also pride ourselves on developing solutions that closely resemble the look and feel of the OEM equipment. Customers care about size, weight and power of the solution and expect reliability and ease of use.
Our work has real-life influence on how data are protected and secured at the most critical point. It is an incredible honour and responsibility to have our solutions deployed in military and government operations around the world.
We have deep engagement with key suppliers to fully understand technology and product roadmaps. This enables us to offer the latest TEMPEST and security hardened IT equipment to our customer base. These supplier relationships include (but are not limited to): Airbus, Cisco, Dell, Fujitsu, Getac, HP, Intel, Jabra, Juniper, Logitech, L3Harris, NEC, MilDef, Plantronics, Ultra Electronics & ViaSat.
Through very close relationships with key IT equipment suppliers, we are able to give our trusted customers insight to product lifecycle details, end-of-life situations, and new technology launches, to enable them to make informed decisions.
As a one-stop-shop, we fully manage the design, manufacture, assembly, quality assurance & testing, certification & after sales care including extended warranty.
We have dedicated teams, subject matter experts (SME's) and facilities in the UK, US & Canada. We think globally, we act locally.
Our TEMPEST and EMC test facility personnel have many years' experience performing EMC and TEMPEST acceptance testing to military and government test standards.
Products are certified to the SDIP-27 standard via the UK NCSC CFTCS scheme and SDIP-27 standard via the NSTISSAM 1-92 & CID/09/15A scheme in North America (CSE Canada).
Let's work together
Speak to our team today to discuss your TEMPEST and secure communication needs.
You can also contact us to request specific product brochures and datasheets with technical specifications and feature information.